Saturday, June 06, 2015

Dodger BBQ XII (2015)

Congrats to the 9th Annual Dodger BBQ Washoe Tournament Champs
Danny Fascovicz and Phil Lawless

Dodger BBQ XII shirts and new DBWT logo

DBWT Trophy Unveiling

DBWT Trophy

DBWT Champion Medals

Let the DBWT Begin

DBWT Finals

Danny Fascovicz/Phil Lawless
Steve Park/Kyle Tull

Game Winner!
Kyle's throws get his team to 21, but Phil throws his last washer to knock his own washer into the 2 hole (canceling his opponent's 2 points) and the last washer also drops into the 2 hole for 21 points and the DBWT Championship!  Amazing finish.

Presentation of the DBWT Trophy by
Dodger BBQ XI Champ Kyle Tull



Wanted:  Los Tacos Banditos


This happened twice.  
Surprisingly, neither of them were from our group.  

Greg wins the Guess the Attendance Game with his pick of 47,448,
just 207 short of the actual attendance of 47,655.

Kenley Jansen coming in to save Kershaw's 2-0 Win.
9th Annual DBWT Double Elimination Bracket

Guess the Attendance

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